2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< !DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace= "com.ruoyi.priceVerification.mapper.BidHjMapper" >
<resultMap type= "BidHj" id= "BidHjResult" >
<result property= "bidHjId" column= "bid_hj_id" />
<result property= "bidHjCode" column= "bid_hj_code" />
<result property= "bidHjPricingType" column= "bid_hj_pricing_type" />
<result property= "bidHjPricingDate" column= "bid_hj_pricing_date" />
<result property= "bidHjRemark" column= "bid_hj_remark" />
<result property= "createBy" column= "create_by" />
<result property= "createTime" column= "create_time" />
<result property= "createName" column= "create_name" />
<result property= "updateBy" column= "update_by" />
<result property= "updateTime" column= "update_time" />
<result property= "bidId" column= "bid_id" />
<result property= "bidCode" column= "bid_code" />
<result property= "bidHjApprovalStatus" column= "bid_hj_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidSalesmanName" column= "bid_salesman_name" />
<result property= "bidTenderingUnit" column= "bid_tendering_unit" />
<result property= "bidProject" column= "bid_project" />
<result property= "bidJsxzConfirmId" column= "bid_jsxz_confirm_id" />
<result property= "bidJsxzGroupValues" column= "bid_jsxz_group_values" />
<result property= "bidJsqrTlApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_tl_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrTlRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_tl_remark" />
<result property= "bidJsqrDyApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_dy_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrDyRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_dy_remark" />
<result property= "bidJsqrZyApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_zy_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrZyRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_zy_remark" />
<result property= "bidJsqrQtApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_qt_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrQtRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_qt_remark" />
<sql id= "bidHjJoins" >
left join sys_user u on u.user_name=a.create_by
left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
left join bid q on q.bid_id = a.bid_id
left join (select t.* from (
select a.*, row_number() over(partition by bid_id order by create_time desc) rw
from bid_jsqr a
) t where t.rw = 1) j on j.bid_id = q.bid_id
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<sql id= "selectBidHjVo" >
select a.bid_hj_id, a.bid_hj_code, a.bid_hj_pricing_type, a.bid_hj_pricing_date, a.bid_hj_remark,
a.create_by, a.create_time, a.update_by, a.update_time,
u.nick_name create_name,
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
from bid_hj a
<include refid= "bidHjJoins" />
<select id= "selectBidHjList" parameterType= "BidHj" resultMap= "BidHjResult" >
<include refid= "selectBidHjVo" />
<where >
<if test= "bidHjCode != null and bidHjCode != ''" > and bid_hj_code like concat('%', #{bidHjCode}, '%')</if>
<if test= "params.beginBidHjPricingDate != null and params.beginBidHjPricingDate != '' and params.endBidHjPricingDate != null and params.endBidHjPricingDate != ''" > and bid_hj_pricing_date between #{params.beginBidHjPricingDate} and #{params.endBidHjPricingDate}</if>
<if test= "bidHjApprovalStatus != null and bidHjApprovalStatus != ''" > and q.bid_hj_approval_status = #{bidHjApprovalStatus}</if>
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > and q.bid_code like concat('%', #{bidCode}, '%')</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > and q.bid_salesman_name like concat('%', #{bidSalesmanName}, '%')</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > and q.bid_tendering_unit like concat('%', #{bidTenderingUnit}, '%')</if>
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > and q.bid_project like concat('%', #{bidProject}, '%')</if>
<!-- 数据范围过滤 -->
<!-- ${params.dataScope} -->
order by a.bid_hj_code desc
<select id= "selectBidHjByBidHjId" parameterType= "String" resultMap= "BidHjResult" >
<include refid= "selectBidHjVo" />
where a.bid_hj_id = #{bidHjId}
<insert id= "insertBidHj" parameterType= "BidHj" >
insert into bid_hj
<trim prefix= "(" suffix= ")" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "bidHjId != null" > bid_hj_id,</if>
<if test= "bidHjCode != null" > bid_hj_code,</if>
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<if test= "bidHjApprovalStatus != null and bidHjApprovalStatus != ''" > bid_hj_approval_status,</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidHjPricingType != null" > bid_hj_pricing_type,</if>
<if test= "bidHjPricingDate != null" > bid_hj_pricing_date,</if>
<if test= "bidHjRemark != null" > bid_hj_remark,</if>
<if test= "createBy != null" > create_by,</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > create_time,</if>
<if test= "updateBy != null" > update_by,</if>
<if test= "updateTime != null" > update_time,</if>
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<if test= "bidId != null" > bid_id,</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<trim prefix= "values (" suffix= ")" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "bidHjId != null" > #{bidHjId},</if>
<if test= "bidHjCode != null" > #{bidHjCode},</if>
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<if test= "bidHjApprovalStatus != null and bidHjApprovalStatus != ''" > #{bidHjApprovalStatus},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidHjPricingType != null" > #{bidHjPricingType},</if>
<if test= "bidHjPricingDate != null" > #{bidHjPricingDate},</if>
<if test= "bidHjRemark != null" > #{bidHjRemark},</if>
<if test= "createBy != null" > #{createBy},</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > #{createTime},</if>
<if test= "updateBy != null" > #{updateBy},</if>
<if test= "updateTime != null" > #{updateTime},</if>
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<if test= "bidId != null" > #{bidId},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<update id= "updateBidHj" parameterType= "BidHj" >
update bid_hj
<trim prefix= "SET" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "bidHjCode != null" > bid_hj_code = #{bidHjCode},</if>
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<if test= "bidHjApprovalStatus != null and bidHjApprovalStatus != ''" > bid_hj_approval_status = #{bidHjApprovalStatus},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidHjPricingType != null" > bid_hj_pricing_type = #{bidHjPricingType},</if>
<if test= "bidHjPricingDate != null" > bid_hj_pricing_date = #{bidHjPricingDate},</if>
<if test= "bidHjRemark != null" > bid_hj_remark = #{bidHjRemark},</if>
<if test= "createBy != null" > create_by = #{createBy},</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > create_time = #{createTime},</if>
<if test= "updateBy != null" > update_by = #{updateBy},</if>
<if test= "updateTime != null" > update_time = #{updateTime},</if>
where bid_hj_id = #{bidHjId}
<delete id= "deleteBidHjByBidHjId" parameterType= "String" >
delete from bid_hj where bid_hj_id = #{bidHjId}
<delete id= "deleteBidHjByBidHjIds" parameterType= "String" >
delete from bid_hj where bid_hj_id in
<foreach item= "bidHjId" collection= "array" open= "(" separator= "," close= ")" >