2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< !DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace= "com.ruoyi.bid.mapper.BidMapper" >
<resultMap type= "Bid" id= "BidResult" >
<result property= "bidId" column= "bid_id" />
<result property= "bidCode" column= "bid_code" />
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<result property= "bidNumber" column= "bid_number" />
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<result property= "bidSalesmanCode" column= "bid_salesman_code" />
<result property= "bidSalesmanBm" column= "bid_salesman_bm" />
<result property= "bidSalesmanName" column= "bid_salesman_name" />
<result property= "bidSalesmanDeptId" column= "bid_salesman_dept_id" />
<result property= "bidSalesmanDeptName" column= "bid_salesman_dept_name" />
<result property= "bidHasRegistration" column= "bid_has_registration" />
<result property= "bidRegistrationNumber" column= "bid_registration_number" />
<result property= "bidOpeningDate" column= "bid_opening_date" />
<result property= "bidOnlineQuotation" column= "bid_online_quotation" />
<result property= "bidWebsite" column= "bid_website" />
<result property= "bidTenderingUnitBm" column= "bid_tendering_unit_bm" />
<result property= "bidTenderingUnit" column= "bid_tendering_unit" />
<result property= "bidAgency" column= "bid_agency" />
<result property= "bidProject" column= "bid_project" />
<result property= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative" column= "bid_authorized_representative" />
<result property= "bidAuthorizedPhone" column= "bid_authorized_phone" />
<result property= "bidFilePaymentMethod" column= "bid_file_payment_method" />
<result property= "bidPaymentDeviation" column= "bid_payment_deviation" />
<result property= "bidCopperPriceLinkage" column= "bid_copper_price_linkage" />
<result property= "bidPriceLinkageMethod" column= "bid_price_linkage_method" />
<result property= "bidOtherRequire" column= "bid_other_require" />
<result property= "bidWinningAmount" column= "bid_winning_amount" />
<result property= "bidCopperCableAmount" column= "bid_copper_cable_amount" />
<result property= "bidAluminumCableAmount" column= "bid_aluminum_cable_amount" />
<result property= "bidOpenClose" column= "bid_open_close" />
<result property= "bidPriceAdjustmentNotice" column= "bid_price_adjustment_notice" />
<result property= "bidValidityPeriod" column= "bid_validity_period" />
<result property= "bidTongPrice" column= "bid_tong_price" />
<result property= "bidLvPrice" column= "bid_lv_price" />
<result property= "bidDs" column= "bid_ds" />
<result property= "bidFactoryPrice" column= "bid_factory_price" />
<result property= "bidPrice" column= "bid_price" />
<result property= "bidBusinessSettlement" column= "bid_business_settlement" />
<result property= "bidBond" column= "bid_bond" />
<result property= "bidWinningServiceFee" column= "bid_winning_service_fee" />
<result property= "bidPerformanceBond" column= "bid_performance_bond" />
<result property= "bidDeliveryDate" column= "bid_delivery_date" />
<result property= "bidWarrantyPeriod" column= "bid_warranty_period" />
<result property= "bidBidding" column= "bid_bidding" />
<result property= "bidEvaluationMethod" column= "bid_evaluation_method" />
<result property= "bidTechnicalRequire" column= "bid_technical_require" />
<result property= "bidPriceLinkage" column= "bid_price_linkage" />
<result property= "bidPaymentMethod" column= "bid_payment_method" />
<result property= "bidOtherMatters" column= "bid_other_matters" />
<result property= "bidZbr" column= "bid_zbr" />
<result property= "bidJdr" column= "bid_jdr" />
<result property= "bidShr" column= "bid_shr" />
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<result property= "bidConfirmStatus" column= "bid_confirm_status" />
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<result property= "bidApprovalStatus" column= "bid_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidNotificationAward" column= "bid_notification_award" />
<result property= "bidRemark" column= "bid_remark" />
<result property= "bidReturnRemark" column= "bid_returnRemark" />
<result property= "setReceiveUser" column= "set_receive_user" />
<result property= "receiveUserName" column= "receive_user_name" />
<result property= "receiveUserNickName" column= "receive_user_nick_name" />
<result property= "bidStatus" column= "bid_status" />
<result property= "bidJsxzApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsxz_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsxzTechnicalRequirement" column= "bid_jsxz_technical_requirement" />
<result property= "bidJsxzGroupValues" column= "bid_jsxz_group_values" />
<result property= "bidJsxzConfirmId" column= "bid_jsxz_confirm_id" />
<result property= "bidJsxzConfirmCode" column= "bid_jsxz_confirm_code" />
<result property= "bidJsqrTlApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_tl_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrTlRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_tl_remark" />
<result property= "bidJsqrDyApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_dy_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrDyRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_dy_remark" />
<result property= "bidJsqrZyApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_zy_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrZyRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_zy_remark" />
<result property= "bidJsqrQtApprovalStatus" column= "bid_jsqr_qt_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidJsqrQtRemark" column= "bid_jsqr_qt_remark" />
<result property= "bidHjId" column= "bid_hj_id" />
<result property= "bidHjCode" column= "bid_hj_code" />
<result property= "bidHjApprovalStatus" column= "bid_hj_approval_status" />
<result property= "bidHjPricingDate" column= "bid_hj_pricing_date" />
<result property= "bidHjRemark" column= "bid_hj_remark" />
<result property= "createBy" column= "create_by" />
<result property= "createName" column= "create_name" />
<result property= "createTime" column= "create_time" />
<result property= "updateBy" column= "update_by" />
<result property= "updateTime" column= "update_time" />
<sql id= "bidJoins" >
left join sys_user u on u.user_name=a.create_by
left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id
left join bid_jsqr q on q.bid_jsqr_id = a.bid_jsxz_confirm_id
left join bid_hj h on h.bid_hj_id = a.bid_hj_id
<sql id= "selectBidVo" >
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
select a.bid_id, a.bid_code,a.bid_number,a.bid_salesman_code, a.bid_salesman_bm, a.bid_salesman_name,
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
a.bid_salesman_dept_id, a.bid_salesman_dept_name,a.bid_has_registration,a.bid_registration_number, a.bid_opening_date,
a.bid_online_quotation, a.bid_website, a.bid_tendering_unit_bm,a.bid_tendering_unit, a.bid_agency,
a.bid_project, a.bid_authorized_representative, a.bid_authorized_phone,
a.bid_file_payment_method, a.bid_payment_deviation, a.bid_copper_price_linkage,
a.bid_price_linkage_method, a.bid_other_require, a.bid_winning_amount,
a.bid_copper_cable_amount, a.bid_aluminum_cable_amount, a.bid_open_close,
a.bid_price_adjustment_notice, a.bid_validity_period, a.bid_tong_price,
a.bid_lv_price, a.bid_ds, a.bid_factory_price, a.bid_price, a.bid_business_settlement,
a.bid_bond, a.bid_winning_service_fee, a.bid_performance_bond, a.bid_delivery_date,
a.bid_warranty_period, a.bid_bidding, a.bid_evaluation_method, a.bid_technical_require,
a.bid_price_linkage, a.bid_payment_method, a.bid_other_matters, a.bid_zbr, a.bid_jdr,
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
a.bid_shr, a.bid_confirm_status, a.bid_approval_status, a.bid_notification_award, a.bid_remark,a.bid_returnRemark,
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
a.set_receive_user,a.receive_user_name,a.receive_user_nick_name,a.bid_status,a.create_by,u.nick_name create_name, a.create_time,
a.update_by, a.update_time,
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
isnull(q.bid_jsxz_approval_status,0) bid_jsxz_approval_status,
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
q.bid_jsqr_code bid_jsxz_confirm_code,
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
isnull(h.bid_hj_approval_status,0) bid_hj_approval_status,
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
from bid a
<include refid= "bidJoins" />
<select id= "selectBidList" parameterType= "Bid" resultMap= "BidResult" >
<include refid= "selectBidVo" />
<where >
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > and bid_code like concat('%', #{bidCode}, '%')</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > and u.nick_name like concat('%', #{bidSalesmanName}, '%')</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative != null and bidAuthorizedRepresentative != ''" > and bid_authorized_representative like concat('%', #{bidAuthorizedRepresentative}, '%')</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "params.beginBidOpeningDate != null and params.beginBidOpeningDate != '' and params.endBidOpeningDate != null and params.endBidOpeningDate != ''" > and bid_opening_date between #{params.beginBidOpeningDate} and #{params.endBidOpeningDate}</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > and bid_tendering_unit like concat('%', #{bidTenderingUnit}, '%')</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidAgency != null and bidAgency != ''" > and bid_agency like concat('%', #{bidAgency}, '%')</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > and bid_project like concat('%', #{bidProject}, '%')</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidStatus != null and bidStatus != ''" > and bid_status = #{bidStatus}</if>
<if test= "bidZbr != null and bidZbr != ''" > and bid_zbr like concat('%', #{bidZbr}, '%')</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidApprovalStatus != null and bidApprovalStatus != ''" > and bid_approval_status = #{bidApprovalStatus}</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<!-- <if test="setReceiveUser != null and setReceiveUser != ''"> and set_receive_user = #{setReceiveUser}</if>
<if test= "receiveUserName != null and receiveUserName != ''" > and receive_user_name = #{receiveUserName}</if> -->
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<!-- 数据范围过滤 -->
order by a.bid_code desc
<select id= "selectBidByBidId" parameterType= "String" resultMap= "BidResult" >
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<include refid= "selectBidVo" />
where a.bid_id = #{bidId}
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<insert id= "insertBid" parameterType= "Bid" >
insert into bid
<trim prefix= "(" suffix= ")" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "bidId != null" > bid_id,</if>
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > bid_code,</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidNumber != null and bidNumber != ''" > bid_number,</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidSalesmanCode != null and bidSalesmanCode != ''" > bid_salesman_code,</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanBm != null and bidSalesmanBm != ''" > bid_salesman_bm,</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > bid_salesman_name,</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanDeptId != null and bidSalesmanDeptId != ''" > bid_salesman_dept_id,</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanDeptName != null and bidSalesmanDeptName != ''" > bid_salesman_dept_name,</if>
<if test= "bidHasRegistration != null and bidHasRegistration != ''" > bid_has_registration,</if>
<if test= "bidRegistrationNumber != null and bidRegistrationNumber != ''" > bid_registration_number,</if>
<if test= "bidOpeningDate != null and bidOpeningDate != ''" > bid_opening_date,</if>
<if test= "bidOnlineQuotation != null and bidOnlineQuotation != ''" > bid_online_quotation,</if>
<if test= "bidWebsite != null and bidWebsite != ''" > bid_website,</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnitBm != null and bidTenderingUnitBm != ''" > bid_tendering_unit_bm,</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > bid_tendering_unit,</if>
<if test= "bidAgency != null and bidAgency != ''" > bid_agency,</if>
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > bid_project,</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative != null and bidAuthorizedRepresentative != ''" > bid_authorized_representative,</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedPhone != null and bidAuthorizedPhone != ''" > bid_authorized_phone,</if>
<if test= "bidFilePaymentMethod != null and bidFilePaymentMethod != ''" > bid_file_payment_method,</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentDeviation != null and bidPaymentDeviation != ''" > bid_payment_deviation,</if>
<if test= "bidCopperPriceLinkage != null and bidCopperPriceLinkage != ''" > bid_copper_price_linkage,</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkageMethod != null and bidPriceLinkageMethod != ''" > bid_price_linkage_method,</if>
<if test= "bidOtherRequire != null and bidOtherRequire != ''" > bid_other_require,</if>
<if test= "bidWinningAmount != null and bidWinningAmount != ''" > bid_winning_amount,</if>
<if test= "bidCopperCableAmount != null and bidCopperCableAmount != ''" > bid_copper_cable_amount,</if>
<if test= "bidAluminumCableAmount != null and bidAluminumCableAmount != ''" > bid_aluminum_cable_amount,</if>
<if test= "bidOpenClose != null and bidOpenClose != ''" > bid_open_close,</if>
<if test= "bidPriceAdjustmentNotice != null and bidPriceAdjustmentNotice != ''" > bid_price_adjustment_notice,</if>
<if test= "bidValidityPeriod != null and bidValidityPeriod != ''" > bid_validity_period,</if>
<if test= "bidTongPrice != null and bidTongPrice != ''" > bid_tong_price,</if>
<if test= "bidLvPrice != null and bidLvPrice != ''" > bid_lv_price,</if>
<if test= "bidDs != null and bidDs != ''" > bid_ds,</if>
<if test= "bidFactoryPrice != null and bidFactoryPrice != ''" > bid_factory_price,</if>
<if test= "bidPrice != null and bidPrice != ''" > bid_price,</if>
<if test= "bidBusinessSettlement != null and bidBusinessSettlement != ''" > bid_business_settlement,</if>
<if test= "bidBond != null and bidBond != ''" > bid_bond,</if>
<if test= "bidWinningServiceFee != null and bidWinningServiceFee != ''" > bid_winning_service_fee,</if>
<if test= "bidPerformanceBond != null and bidPerformanceBond != ''" > bid_performance_bond,</if>
<if test= "bidDeliveryDate != null and bidDeliveryDate != ''" > bid_delivery_date,</if>
<if test= "bidWarrantyPeriod != null and bidWarrantyPeriod != ''" > bid_warranty_period,</if>
<if test= "bidBidding != null and bidBidding != ''" > bid_bidding,</if>
<if test= "bidEvaluationMethod != null and bidEvaluationMethod != ''" > bid_evaluation_method,</if>
<if test= "bidTechnicalRequire != null and bidTechnicalRequire != ''" > bid_technical_require,</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkage != null and bidPriceLinkage != ''" > bid_price_linkage,</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentMethod != null and bidPaymentMethod != ''" > bid_payment_method,</if>
<if test= "bidOtherMatters != null and bidOtherMatters != ''" > bid_other_matters,</if>
<if test= "bidZbr != null and bidZbr != ''" > bid_zbr,</if>
<if test= "bidJdr != null and bidJdr != ''" > bid_jdr,</if>
<if test= "bidShr != null and bidShr != ''" > bid_shr,</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidConfirmStatus != null and bidConfirmStatus != ''" > bid_confirm_status,</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidApprovalStatus != null and bidApprovalStatus != ''" > bid_approval_status,</if>
<if test= "bidNotificationAward != null and bidNotificationAward != ''" > bid_notification_award,</if>
<if test= "bidRemark != null and bidRemark != ''" > bid_remark,</if>
<if test= "bidReturnRemark != null and bidReturnRemark != ''" > bid_returnRemark,</if>
<if test= "setReceiveUser != null and setReceiveUser != ''" > set_receive_user,</if>
<if test= "receiveUserName != null and receiveUserName != ''" > receive_user_name,</if>
<if test= "receiveUserNickName != null and receiveUserNickName != ''" > receive_user_nick_name,</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidStatus != null" > bid_status,</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidJsxzConfirmId != null and bidJsxzConfirmId != ''" > bid_jsxz_confirm_id,</if>
<if test= "bidHjId != null and bidHjId != ''" > bid_hj_id,</if>
<if test= "createBy != null" > create_by,</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > create_time,</if>
<if test= "updateBy != null" > update_by,</if>
<if test= "updateTime != null" > update_time,</if>
<trim prefix= "values (" suffix= ")" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "bidId != null" > #{bidId},</if>
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > #{bidCode},</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidNumber != null and bidNumber != ''" > #{bidNumber},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidSalesmanCode != null and bidSalesmanCode != ''" > #{bidSalesmanCode},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanBm != null and bidSalesmanBm != ''" > #{bidSalesmanBm},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > #{bidSalesmanName},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanDeptId != null and bidSalesmanDeptId != ''" > #{bidSalesmanDeptId},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanDeptName != null and bidSalesmanDeptName != ''" > #{bidSalesmanDeptName},</if>
<if test= "bidHasRegistration != null and bidHasRegistration != ''" > #{bidHasRegistration},</if>
<if test= "bidRegistrationNumber != null and bidRegistrationNumber != ''" > #{bidRegistrationNumber},</if>
<if test= "bidOpeningDate != null and bidOpeningDate != ''" > #{bidOpeningDate},</if>
<if test= "bidOnlineQuotation != null and bidOnlineQuotation != ''" > #{bidOnlineQuotation},</if>
<if test= "bidWebsite != null and bidWebsite != ''" > #{bidWebsite},</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnitBm != null and bidTenderingUnitBm != ''" > #{bidTenderingUnitBm},</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > #{bidTenderingUnit},</if>
<if test= "bidAgency != null and bidAgency != ''" > #{bidAgency},</if>
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > #{bidProject},</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative != null and bidAuthorizedRepresentative != ''" > #{bidAuthorizedRepresentative},</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedPhone != null and bidAuthorizedPhone != ''" > #{bidAuthorizedPhone},</if>
<if test= "bidFilePaymentMethod != null and bidFilePaymentMethod != ''" > #{bidFilePaymentMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentDeviation != null and bidPaymentDeviation != ''" > #{bidPaymentDeviation},</if>
<if test= "bidCopperPriceLinkage != null and bidCopperPriceLinkage != ''" > #{bidCopperPriceLinkage},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkageMethod != null and bidPriceLinkageMethod != ''" > #{bidPriceLinkageMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidOtherRequire != null and bidOtherRequire != ''" > #{bidOtherRequire},</if>
<if test= "bidWinningAmount != null and bidWinningAmount != ''" > #{bidWinningAmount},</if>
<if test= "bidCopperCableAmount != null and bidCopperCableAmount != ''" > #{bidCopperCableAmount},</if>
<if test= "bidAluminumCableAmount != null and bidAluminumCableAmount != ''" > #{bidAluminumCableAmount},</if>
<if test= "bidOpenClose != null and bidOpenClose != ''" > #{bidOpenClose},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceAdjustmentNotice != null and bidPriceAdjustmentNotice != ''" > #{bidPriceAdjustmentNotice},</if>
<if test= "bidValidityPeriod != null and bidValidityPeriod != ''" > #{bidValidityPeriod},</if>
<if test= "bidTongPrice != null and bidTongPrice != ''" > #{bidTongPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidLvPrice != null and bidLvPrice != ''" > #{bidLvPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidDs != null and bidDs != ''" > #{bidDs},</if>
<if test= "bidFactoryPrice != null and bidFactoryPrice != ''" > #{bidFactoryPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidPrice != null and bidPrice != ''" > #{bidPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidBusinessSettlement != null and bidBusinessSettlement != ''" > #{bidBusinessSettlement},</if>
<if test= "bidBond != null and bidBond != ''" > #{bidBond},</if>
<if test= "bidWinningServiceFee != null and bidWinningServiceFee != ''" > #{bidWinningServiceFee},</if>
<if test= "bidPerformanceBond != null and bidPerformanceBond != ''" > #{bidPerformanceBond},</if>
<if test= "bidDeliveryDate != null and bidDeliveryDate != ''" > #{bidDeliveryDate},</if>
<if test= "bidWarrantyPeriod != null and bidWarrantyPeriod != ''" > #{bidWarrantyPeriod},</if>
<if test= "bidBidding != null and bidBidding != ''" > #{bidBidding},</if>
<if test= "bidEvaluationMethod != null and bidEvaluationMethod != ''" > #{bidEvaluationMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidTechnicalRequire != null and bidTechnicalRequire != ''" > #{bidTechnicalRequire},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkage != null and bidPriceLinkage != ''" > #{bidPriceLinkage},</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentMethod != null and bidPaymentMethod != ''" > #{bidPaymentMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidOtherMatters != null and bidOtherMatters != ''" > #{bidOtherMatters},</if>
<if test= "bidZbr != null and bidZbr != ''" > #{bidZbr},</if>
<if test= "bidJdr != null and bidJdr != ''" > #{bidJdr},</if>
<if test= "bidShr != null and bidShr != ''" > #{bidShr},</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidConfirmStatus != null and bidConfirmStatus != ''" > #{bidConfirmStatus},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidApprovalStatus != null and bidApprovalStatus != ''" > #{bidApprovalStatus},</if>
<if test= "bidNotificationAward != null and bidNotificationAward != ''" > #{bidNotificationAward},</if>
<if test= "bidRemark != null and bidRemark != ''" > #{bidRemark},</if>
<if test= "bidReturnRemark != null and bidReturnRemark != ''" > #{bidReturnRemark},</if>
<if test= "setReceiveUser != null and setReceiveUser != ''" > #{setReceiveUser},</if>
<if test= "receiveUserName != null and receiveUserName != ''" > #{receiveUserName},</if>
<if test= "receiveUserNickName != null and receiveUserNickName != ''" > #{receiveUserNickName},</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidStatus != null" > #{bidStatus},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidJsxzConfirmId != null and bidJsxzConfirmId != ''" > #{bidJsxzConfirmId},</if>
<if test= "bidHjId != null and bidHjId != ''" > #{bidHjId},</if>
<if test= "createBy != null" > #{createBy},</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > #{createTime},</if>
<if test= "updateBy != null" > #{updateBy},</if>
<if test= "updateTime != null" > #{updateTime},</if>
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
<insert id= "insertSysOABid" parameterType= "SysOaBid" >
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
insert into sys_oa_bid
<trim prefix= "(" suffix= ")" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "userId != null and userId != ''" > user_id,</if>
<if test= "departmentId != null and departmentId != ''" > department_id,</if>
<if test= "submissionTime != null and submissionTime != ''" > submission_time,</if>
<if test= "bidId != null" > bid_id,</if>
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > bid_code,</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > bid_salesman_name,</if>
<if test= "bidHasRegistration != null and bidHasRegistration != ''" > bid_has_registration,</if>
<if test= "bidRegistrationNumber != null and bidRegistrationNumber != ''" > bid_registration_number,</if>
<if test= "bidOpeningDate != null and bidOpeningDate != ''" > bid_opening_date,</if>
<if test= "bidOnlineQuotation != null and bidOnlineQuotation != ''" > bid_online_quotation,</if>
<if test= "bidWebsite != null and bidWebsite != ''" > bid_website,</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > bid_tendering_unit,</if>
<if test= "bidAgency != null and bidAgency != ''" > bid_agency,</if>
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > bid_project,</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative != null and bidAuthorizedRepresentative != ''" > bid_authorized_representative,</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedPhone != null and bidAuthorizedPhone != ''" > bid_authorized_phone,</if>
<if test= "bidFilePaymentMethod != null and bidFilePaymentMethod != ''" > bid_file_payment_method,</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentDeviation != null and bidPaymentDeviation != ''" > bid_payment_deviation,</if>
<if test= "bidCopperPriceLinkage != null and bidCopperPriceLinkage != ''" > bid_copper_price_linkage,</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkageMethod != null and bidPriceLinkageMethod != ''" > bid_price_linkage_method,</if>
<if test= "bidOtherRequire != null and bidOtherRequire != ''" > bid_other_require,</if>
<if test= "bidRemark != null and bidRemark != ''" > bid_remark,</if>
<if test= "bidYwyFile != null and bidYwyFile != ''" > bid_ywy_file,</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > create_time,</if>
<if test= "isFinish != null and isFinish != ''" > isFinish,</if>
<trim prefix= "values (" suffix= ")" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "userId != null and userId != ''" > #{userId},</if>
<if test= "departmentId != null and departmentId != ''" > #{departmentId},</if>
<if test= "submissionTime != null and submissionTime != ''" > #{submissionTime},</if>
<if test= "bidId != null" > #{bidId},</if>
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > #{bidCode},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > #{bidSalesmanName},</if>
<if test= "bidHasRegistration != null and bidHasRegistration != ''" > #{bidHasRegistration},</if>
<if test= "bidRegistrationNumber != null and bidRegistrationNumber != ''" > #{bidRegistrationNumber},</if>
<if test= "bidOpeningDate != null and bidOpeningDate != ''" > #{bidOpeningDate},</if>
<if test= "bidOnlineQuotation != null and bidOnlineQuotation != ''" > #{bidOnlineQuotation},</if>
<if test= "bidWebsite != null and bidWebsite != ''" > #{bidWebsite},</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > #{bidTenderingUnit},</if>
<if test= "bidAgency != null and bidAgency != ''" > #{bidAgency},</if>
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > #{bidProject},</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative != null and bidAuthorizedRepresentative != ''" > #{bidAuthorizedRepresentative},</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedPhone != null and bidAuthorizedPhone != ''" > #{bidAuthorizedPhone},</if>
<if test= "bidFilePaymentMethod != null and bidFilePaymentMethod != ''" > #{bidFilePaymentMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentDeviation != null and bidPaymentDeviation != ''" > #{bidPaymentDeviation},</if>
<if test= "bidCopperPriceLinkage != null and bidCopperPriceLinkage != ''" > #{bidCopperPriceLinkage},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkageMethod != null and bidPriceLinkageMethod != ''" > #{bidPriceLinkageMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidOtherRequire != null and bidOtherRequire != ''" > #{bidOtherRequire},</if>
<if test= "bidRemark != null and bidRemark != ''" > #{bidRemark},</if>
<if test= "bidYwyFile != null and bidYwyFile != ''" > #{bidYwyFile},</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > #{createTime},</if>
<if test= "isFinish != null and isFinish != ''" > #{isFinish},</if>
<update id= "updateBid" parameterType= "Bid" >
update bid
<trim prefix= "SET" suffixOverrides= "," >
<if test= "bidCode != null and bidCode != ''" > bid_code = #{bidCode},</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidNumber != null and bidNumber != ''" > bid_number = #{bidNumber},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidSalesmanCode != null and bidSalesmanCode != ''" > bid_salesman_code = #{bidSalesmanCode},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanBm != null and bidSalesmanBm != ''" > bid_salesman_bm = #{bidSalesmanBm},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanName != null and bidSalesmanName != ''" > bid_salesman_name = #{bidSalesmanName},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanDeptId != null and bidSalesmanDeptId != ''" > bid_salesman_dept_id = #{bidSalesmanDeptId},</if>
<if test= "bidSalesmanDeptName != null and bidSalesmanDeptName != ''" > bid_salesman_dept_name = #{bidSalesmanDeptName},</if>
<if test= "bidHasRegistration != null and bidHasRegistration != ''" > bid_has_registration = #{bidHasRegistration},</if>
<if test= "bidRegistrationNumber != null" > bid_registration_number = #{bidRegistrationNumber},</if>
<if test= "bidOpeningDate != null and bidOpeningDate != ''" > bid_opening_date = #{bidOpeningDate},</if>
<if test= "bidOnlineQuotation != null and bidOnlineQuotation != ''" > bid_online_quotation = #{bidOnlineQuotation},</if>
<if test= "bidWebsite != null" > bid_website = #{bidWebsite},</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnitBm != null and bidTenderingUnitBm != ''" > bid_tendering_unit_bm = #{bidTenderingUnitBm},</if>
<if test= "bidTenderingUnit != null and bidTenderingUnit != ''" > bid_tendering_unit = #{bidTenderingUnit},</if>
<if test= "bidAgency != null" > bid_agency = #{bidAgency},</if>
<if test= "bidProject != null and bidProject != ''" > bid_project = #{bidProject},</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedRepresentative != null and bidAuthorizedRepresentative != ''" > bid_authorized_representative = #{bidAuthorizedRepresentative},</if>
<if test= "bidAuthorizedPhone != null and bidAuthorizedPhone != ''" > bid_authorized_phone = #{bidAuthorizedPhone},</if>
<if test= "bidFilePaymentMethod != null and bidFilePaymentMethod != ''" > bid_file_payment_method = #{bidFilePaymentMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentDeviation != null and bidPaymentDeviation != ''" > bid_payment_deviation = #{bidPaymentDeviation},</if>
<if test= "bidCopperPriceLinkage != null and bidCopperPriceLinkage != ''" > bid_copper_price_linkage = #{bidCopperPriceLinkage},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkageMethod != null" > bid_price_linkage_method = #{bidPriceLinkageMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidOtherRequire != null" > bid_other_require = #{bidOtherRequire},</if>
<if test= "bidWinningAmount != null" > bid_winning_amount = #{bidWinningAmount},</if>
<if test= "bidCopperCableAmount != null" > bid_copper_cable_amount = #{bidCopperCableAmount},</if>
<if test= "bidAluminumCableAmount != null" > bid_aluminum_cable_amount = #{bidAluminumCableAmount},</if>
<if test= "bidOpenClose != null" > bid_open_close = #{bidOpenClose},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceAdjustmentNotice != null" > bid_price_adjustment_notice = #{bidPriceAdjustmentNotice},</if>
<if test= "bidValidityPeriod != null" > bid_validity_period = #{bidValidityPeriod},</if>
<if test= "bidTongPrice != null" > bid_tong_price = #{bidTongPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidLvPrice != null" > bid_lv_price = #{bidLvPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidDs != null" > bid_ds = #{bidDs},</if>
<if test= "bidFactoryPrice != null" > bid_factory_price = #{bidFactoryPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidPrice != null" > bid_price = #{bidPrice},</if>
<if test= "bidBusinessSettlement != null" > bid_business_settlement = #{bidBusinessSettlement},</if>
<if test= "bidBond != null" > bid_bond = #{bidBond},</if>
<if test= "bidWinningServiceFee != null" > bid_winning_service_fee = #{bidWinningServiceFee},</if>
<if test= "bidPerformanceBond != null" > bid_performance_bond = #{bidPerformanceBond},</if>
<if test= "bidDeliveryDate != null" > bid_delivery_date = #{bidDeliveryDate},</if>
<if test= "bidWarrantyPeriod != null" > bid_warranty_period = #{bidWarrantyPeriod},</if>
<if test= "bidBidding != null" > bid_bidding = #{bidBidding},</if>
<if test= "bidEvaluationMethod != null" > bid_evaluation_method = #{bidEvaluationMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidTechnicalRequire != null" > bid_technical_require = #{bidTechnicalRequire},</if>
<if test= "bidPriceLinkage != null" > bid_price_linkage = #{bidPriceLinkage},</if>
<if test= "bidPaymentMethod != null" > bid_payment_method = #{bidPaymentMethod},</if>
<if test= "bidOtherMatters != null" > bid_other_matters = #{bidOtherMatters},</if>
<if test= "bidZbr != null" > bid_zbr = #{bidZbr},</if>
<if test= "bidJdr != null" > bid_jdr = #{bidJdr},</if>
<if test= "bidShr != null" > bid_shr = #{bidShr},</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidConfirmStatus != null and bidConfirmStatus != ''" > bid_confirm_status = #{bidConfirmStatus},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidApprovalStatus != null" > bid_approval_status = #{bidApprovalStatus},</if>
<if test= "bidNotificationAward != null" > bid_notification_award = #{bidNotificationAward},</if>
<if test= "bidRemark != null" > bid_remark = #{bidRemark},</if>
<if test= "bidReturnRemark != null" > bid_returnRemark = #{bidReturnRemark},</if>
<if test= "setReceiveUser != null and setReceiveUser != ''" > set_receive_user = #{setReceiveUser},</if>
<if test= "receiveUserName != null" > receive_user_name = #{receiveUserName},</if>
<if test= "receiveUserNickName != null and receiveUserNickName != ''" > receive_user_nick_name = #{receiveUserNickName},</if>
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<if test= "bidStatus != null" > bid_status = #{bidStatus},</if>
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<if test= "bidJsxzConfirmId != null and bidJsxzConfirmId != ''" > bid_jsxz_confirm_id = #{bidJsxzConfirmId},</if>
<if test= "bidHjId != null and bidHjId != ''" > bid_hj_id = #{bidHjId},</if>
<if test= "createBy != null" > create_by = #{createBy},</if>
<if test= "createTime != null" > create_time = #{createTime},</if>
<if test= "updateBy != null" > update_by = #{updateBy},</if>
<if test= "updateTime != null" > update_time = #{updateTime},</if>
where bid_id = #{bidId}
<delete id= "deleteBidByBidId" parameterType= "String" >
delete from bid where bid_id = #{bidId}
<delete id= "deleteBidByBidIds" parameterType= "String" >
delete from bid where bid_id in
<foreach item= "bidId" collection= "array" open= "(" separator= "," close= ")" >
<select id= "getCode" resultType= "String" statementType= "CALLABLE" >
{call GetSerialNo(#{type,mode=IN,jdbcType=VARCHAR})}
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
<select id= "getCodeTB" resultType= "String" statementType= "CALLABLE" >
2024-08-01 17:23:46 +08:00
{call GetSerialNo_Business(#{type,mode=IN,jdbcType=VARCHAR})}
2024-07-26 17:11:36 +08:00
2024-07-24 14:53:01 +08:00
<select id= "selectOAUserByUserName" resultType= "SysOaBid" >
select top 1 id as userId,departmentid as departmentId from HrmResource where loginid = #{loginid}
<select id= "selectBidByBidJsqrId" parameterType= "String" resultMap= "BidResult" >
<include refid= "selectBidVo" />
where a.bid_jsxz_confirm_id = #{bidJsqrId}
<select id= "selectBidByBidHjId" parameterType= "String" resultMap= "BidResult" >
<include refid= "selectBidVo" />
where a.bid_hj_id = #{bidHjId}
<select id= "versionList" resultType= "RbVersionDateResult" >
select uid_0 value,convert(varchar(10),[date_0],23) label
from [rb_productVersion] A
inner join (select max(uid_0) muid from rb_productVersion
where sta_0=1 or sta_0=0 group by date_0 )B on A.uid_0=B.muid
order by sta_0 desc,uid_0 desc
<select id= "rb_price_version" resultType= "String" >
select top 1 muid from
select max(uid_0) muid,date_0 from rb_productVersion
where sta_0=1 or sta_0=0 group by date_0
)a order by date_0 desc
<select id= "getTongLvPrice" resultType= "RbTongLvPrice" >
select tong_price_0,lv_price_0
from rb_productVersion
where uid_0 = #{rbUid}